Tuesday, April 18, 2017

you are consuming your heart if you don't know forgiveness

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”

― Nelson Mandela

We might all have experienced hardship in our life time from breaking up relationship with the closest friends, replica oakley sunglasses, or stabbing back by someone you most trusted with, or whatever people gossipped behind you.

That could drive you mental if you only stuck on one feeling-- why people treat me so bad?  If you can’t over it, then you find your life is so miserable, like the whole world owes you.

Only if you know forgiveness like Nelson Mandela, after being released from the jail, he still regarded everyone as friends no matter how badly he’s been treated with.

As he’s very smart for understanding one thing, if he kept bitterness and hatred on mind, there’s no difference between outside and in the jail.

That’s very true, if things are ove, then let it go. It’s absolutely not worth spending time worrying about  that negative point.

Lots of nice people and amazing things are waiting for you to happen.

If your mind is occupied only by bad thoughts, nfl jerseys cheap, then you will easily get upset all the time for
regretting what you’ve done, and leave no space for doing what really matters to you.

Remember, if you can’t forgive people, you are consuming your heart, not the others.

That’s probably the difference between the extraordinary ones and ordinary folks.

Set a goal, take action,if you do things on your dream list, one day, you will be amazed by what
you’ve achieved, cheap hats, and you might be surprised your sadness has gone.

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